Bette, The Gilmore Girls, Sir Laurence and other chatter

So last night was the last episode of The Gilmore Girls. Good. Good ridance. No, actually I did feel a little sentimental about the show ending, even though I've spent the last year or so complaining that it was no longer as good of a show as it used to be. I'll miss Richard & Emily, Paris and Luke and everyone in Star's Hollow, except maybe for the Gilmore Girls themselves, because I'm still mad at them for becoming selfcentered and immature. Boy, Rory sure got over Logan fast. Good, I never liked him. Why didn't she realize he was just like Christopher?
Rory's other ex-boyfriend Jess, is now on my new most favorite show ever - 'Heroes' which airs it's last show of the season next Monday. It will be a long Summer waiting for new episodes of that show which is so well written, so unexpected and exciting and man do they have a great looking cast of guys! (oops, my girlishness is showing) It reminds me of the early days of the X-Files (now my geekiness is showing) when every episode was fresh and the writing was good and the actors were enthusiastic and appreciated being on a good show. Then the writing became lazy and self indulgent and the actor's bad attitudes showed in their performances totally spoiling the show during the last 2 years of it. Man, why do I watch tv? Well, at least SpongeBob never disappoints.

Oh yeah, there's Bette up there. Today I received a copy of her 1962 autobiography The Lonely Life - that I bought used on amazon. Even though I'm only about 40 pages into it, I think it is now my new life manual. I want to be Bette Davis! I want to live by her philosophy of life - well, maybe I shouldn't make that commitment so soon, maybe I should finish the book first. I'll let you know if I'm still devoted to the Goddess Bette and her words of wisdom by the end of the book.
Yesterday, one of the old movie channels celebrated Sir Laurence Olivier's 100th birthday (even though it wasn't actually his birthday yet) and they showed his movies all day. I must confess having a bit of a crush on him in his earlier roles. I was working though, so totally missed watching 'Pride & Prejudice' during the marathon, even though I must say I kind of prefer Colin Firth as Mr. Darcy after seeing that version a few years ago. I did watch 'Wuthering Heights' yet again (after The Gilmore Girls finale) I remember some reporter asking Johnny Depp many years ago, I think he was dating Winona Ryder at the time, if he was romantic. And he said something like 'yeah, I've watched Wuthering Heights five times' and I remember thinking, what a dumbass, there's nothing romantic about Wuthering Heights. It's a tragic story about two people who wasted and destroyed their lives out of greed, spite and anger. So they died and were finally reunited to be happy? That's not romantic, I'll pass on that kind of romance, Thank you. But I love the movie anyway! It's still a great story, just don't say it's a romantic love story or you'll make me mad!

So I'll finish this mish-mosh of a post by showing off another purse that I made. This was the 2nd set of wooden purse handles that I had snatched from a load of vintage. It took me a while to settle on what fabric I wanted to use. This is one of my most favorite pieces of old fabric and I had a hard time getting myself to cut it. I'm not sure what the original piece was for, either a runner for a table or bureau and it was backed with a muslin lining, so it did make a very easy purse with lining already included. I broke down and cut the fabric and I still have a piece of it left over to display among my other favorite fabrics. I really like the way the purse came out and it goes with alot of what I wear too. You know, black, and jeans.
Mish-mosh reminds me of a district manager that I had when I worked in a clothing store, many years ago. She'd come out of the bathroom, all 'fueled' up and ready to work. I remember her saying 'mish-mosh' all the time among other rantings, screaming and cursing - in the store - in front of customers. Once she yelled 'what is this mish-mosh' and totally flipped over a round rack full of clothing. Thankfully she only came to the store once or twice a month. And thankfully I no longer work in a store. I'm a tough boss though, and I do curse at myself sometimes!

1 comment:

Aimz said...

Bette Davis is one of my favourite old time actresses. She really had a great don't mess with me attitude didn't she?