I love dogs, love elephants. I love this video

This news story was on CBS. I've been kind of following the Elephant Sanctuary http://www.elephants.com/ - since I saw a special about elephants that included a story about the sanctuary. Located in Tennesse, it takes in elephants from circuses and zoos. The show I watched had a super sweet story of Jenny and Shirley who were reunited at the sanctuary after being separated 20 some years.

This super sweet story is about Tara and Bella. You have to watch a commercial first though.

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Anonymous said...

This is so endearing. Thank you for sharing it.
Happy New Year! We can all hope to have a friendship like these two.

Lisa's RetroStyle said...

That is just amazing Carol! I'd never heard of that before. God love 'em. What I wouldn't give to know whtat is going on in their minds...what made them choose to be friends?! Just amazing! Thanks for sharing it.