The Cutest Puppy Ever Blog

New blog name people! Only because I'm probably going to overlaod it with puppy photos for well into the future.
First, let's observe the naughtiness. You forget how much work a puppy is in between raising dogs. You have to keep an eye on her all the time.
Here she is throwing her bowl around, great fun, she does it with the water too. Then chewing on my vintage chenille bath mat.

I know, she is so cute! It is unbearable. Especially when she first wakes up, and she looks up at you all sweet and wiggley. Here she is chewing one of Boris' bones, which he seems to not mind sharing. He's being really sweet with her now.

Here are two sleeping photos. She has trouble getting comfortable and pouts while she tried to get to sleep. She also like to move the blankets and build a little nest. She seems to like sleeping with her head raised, as seen here against the antique stove and under the diningroom table.

1 comment:

sajero2 said...

Love how she's sleeping in the most uncomfortable-looking positions!!