Just about every free surface in my place is used to display some pretty little things that I've collected over the years. The back of my toilet just couldn't be ignored, I had to display some stuff there too! (click images for larger views) The close up below shows the top of the toilet covered with a pretty green and black lace head scarf. My repro mannequin head displays one of my favorite green hats and there is a pink satin glove box with gloves and hankies hanging out the side. On top of the pink box is a pretty new mermaid given to me by my Nan. There are also a few compacts.
Below is a closer view of the meriad and glove box, and a close view of one of the compacts. This one has 'I Love You' etched in different languages.
The previous owners of our house left behind this kind of country-ish towel rack/shelf hanging over the toilet. At first I didn't like it much, and I thought of taking it down. But it ended up looking pretty good once I loaded it up with my stuff. On the towel bar I hung a linen piece that has an embroidered 1920s gal on it, and a few pairs of lacey gloves. On the top shelf I have a few compacts, some pretty hankies, a perfume bottle, a cute little talc powder container and two old foundation boxes.
Here is a closer view of some of the little pretties - a hankie with crochet lady on the corner, a fancy pillbox and change holder. Talc powder with a pretty lady on it and compact with a lady on it too. The vile is an old perfume 'Evening in Paris' To the right is a close up of this great perfume bottle that is shaped like a torso with a corset on it. I have no idea how old it is or who the maker is.
Lastly are two pretty make-up boxes with cake foundation powder still in them.

I just KNEW that you would have the prettiest loo in the whole of vintagedom!
didn't know you had a blog! just found it thru alison's...i love this back o' the toilet thing -- yours is great! all mine's got is a box of kleenex, hand towels ' washcloths (some are vintage 70's tho) and a vintage pennsylvania dutch candy tin...hmmm, not so bad for an errant decorator now that i think of it!
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