She gave them a very informative article and found some great vintage photos of ladies golfing apparel to include in her article for their website -
Women’s golf fashion: a peek into the past - I think you should check it out.
Then check out her own website for more photos and info - History of Women's Golf Attire ~ A Photo Essay - which traces the history of women's golf clothing, and shows how chic and stylish the pieces were.
You'll even see a photo of a golf themed blouse of mine that I was very happy Lizzie decided to include in her essay -

I just adore that outfit and hat in the old ad. Great post thanks for sharing.
♥ Darla
Sorry! I made a typo. My blog is http://bethstakeonlife.blogspot.com.
Carol, Thanks so much for posting about my article, and especially for the use of your photo. Now, make that sweet blouse fit me, please!!!
i'm glad to have visited your blog and good to know you! I find it interesting and informative
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