First, to the left here is a fantastic 10ft sandcastle that was built out on the beach by a sandcastle artist. I was walking out there before sunset one night, and ran home to get my camera before high tide came in and washed it away. Check out the cannonballs blasted into the side of it!
Next, there is daily pandemonium at the little window birdfeeder that I have on my kitchen window at the vacation spot. They squeeze in 3 at a time and line up on the roof waiting to get in to eat. It's like Uncle Bill's Pancake House, which always has a line on the weekends. Thing is, some of those little birds are messy and spill the seeds into my flowerbox which is directly below it. So now the birds stomp around on my flowers eating the seeds out of there. They are cute though - shake your tail feathers!
I can't relax too much while I'm on vacation, I have to have some projects. I took some vintage clothing with me to soak and mend, I recovered a few of my pillows, re-read the Half Blood Prince (how many more days until the last book???) and I painted the bathroom, finally deciding on a color after 3 years. I did it a pale blue-green and painted the wood trim white. It looks nice and crisp. The photos aren't very impressive because the room is small, but it does look nice. I also repainted a wicker table and rearranged the livingroom furniture, yet again.
Finally, grab a copy of the September issue of Threads magazine. A new customer Karen L. let me know that my website was mentioned in the sewing magazine (page 39) The mag has several vintage clothing related stories. I just got my copy and haven't read it yet, but some interesting looking stories are about working with vintage patterns, making vintage style aprons, rejuvenating vintage clothing including doing repairs and deciding if you should or should not alter a vintage item, refashioning vintage clothing, an interesting story about the construction of vintage clothing where they turn the dresses inside out a describe the sewing details, using vintage sewing details in modern sewing, and a little story about barkcloth too. Very interesting for those who love vintage and sewing. There are parts of the issue online - http://www.taunton.com/threads/index.asp
>>>re-read the Half Blood Prince (how many more days until the last book???)<<<<
Great minds think alike and really I don't know if I can stand it till next Sat and that book is delivered into my dirty little hands.
Saturday seems so far away! I'm planning on buying my copy that day at a local store called Dalrymples. I have this idea in my head that it's name sounds like the kind of shop that you'd find in Diagon Alley, so what better place to buy a Harry Potter book. I bought Half Blood there too.
I guess I'll be up all night reading. But I should probably take my time, and make it last. I'm dreading reading that last past, not because of what might happen, but because it will be the last book.
My theory - Harry lives, but loses his magical powers killing Voldemort. Of course Snape is good, and will probably help Harry in the final battle. I think Neville is going to come out kind of heroic too, maybe he'll kill Bellatrix.
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