Soaking up the sunshine - First, we have the mighty 'Skinkasaurus Rex' who is actually quite a little guy, under 4 inches long. Click on the picture and check out his amazing bright blue tail. I don't know why they like laying in the sun up there on that wicker table in the sunporch, but there's a skink up there nearly every afternoon. The second bathing beauty is of course 'Chubbasaurus Boris' who loves to stretch out on the deck or out in the driveway or in the dustiest-dirty-dirt that he can find. He lays there until he can't stand the heat anymore, and after pouting and puffing, he rrrrrruns inside and lays down in the cool, dark bathroom tile floor.

Remember the Vintage Clothing themed altered book round-robin that I was part of last year? Well, a few gals from that group started another round robin. This one is not vintage clothing related and everyone made up their own book theme. My book is Mermaids. The first book that I worked on had a theme of Nightmares. Now, I thought about doing a page on my own recurring nightmares - being back in school or at my previous job and not know my class/work schedule, rats, falling, or having to go to the bathroom and the bathroom being either not private, or overflowing. But those aren't really scary nightmares (except for rats) I think those are just reflections of my own mental 'blips'. So, one morning after having a migraine, I thought, 'Scary Movies' and that was the theme for my spread in the Nightmare book -

I really had fun (what does that say about me?) painting the palms of my hands red and making the bloody handprints. I felt like a kid. Did anyone else ever do this when they were a kids - I used to put glue on the palms of my hands, let it dry and then peel it off. You never did that for fun? No, I guess normal kids didn't do that!
I thought the Freddie slasher marks were kind of fun too. 'Was that the boogie man' was what Jamie Lee Curtis said at the end of Halloween.
Neti Pot - Does anyone have experience with using a Neti Pot? It was recommended to me to try, because of my sinus problems. I've been using it a week now, and I like it. It's kind of strange to use (you use the pot to rinse water into one side of your nose and it runs out the other side of your nose) I imagine it should work well on getting rid of congestion and allergens that get up your nose (especially out here in the woods where the pollen is insane) But I also get sinus/headache troubles from the weather too, and I don't think Neti will help with that. But if it really works, and it cuts down on half of my troubles, I'll be very, very glad. If you have any experience or tips on using the Neti pot, please let me know.
Gosh, I love that green pair and I seriously love your doggie.
My sister flushes her nose/sinuses regularly, using something similar to a neti pot (but not that specifically). It has helped her enormously in dealing with dust, pollen, bad city air and general sinus/nose complaints. I'll ask her if she has any good advice.
Those shoes are fabulous!!
I DO like the green shoes - very fifties! yes I have issues with pollen, hayfever etc especially in Autumn and spring.
Hi. I was reading your stuff and i just love your expressive ways of writing and how it sounds so lifeable and loveable you sound like you enjoy life to the fullest, having fun is so important in life. But, to comment on one thing you said, about glue on the hands, well i am not shameful, i did it too. But to tell you the truth, i would rather not be normal.... I would rather be insane as i am, then i can sit back and laugh at myself and know i am myself truthfully. Thanks so much.
Cool post!! I like your expressive ways of writing. I like the green shoes its like a snakeskin stuff.
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