"Zelda : The Magazine of the Vintage Nouveau"

Let me introduce you to a new magazine that I just received this week - "Zelda : The Magazine of the Vintage Nouveau" From their Facebook page - "Coming Fall 2009, Zelda is a new publication for aficionados of early 20th century culture! Photography, fashion, arts, illustration, music, cocktails, social events, and special features : Zelda includes pieces on both vintage subjects as well as contemporary culture in the style of vintage. Created by Diane Naegel, proprietress of Wit's End in NYC ( http://www.clubwitsend.com ) , Zelda will be published biannually and will launch in Fall 2009!"
It is a small format magazine, 52 pages, very nice quality paper, nice clear color photos. It is not exclusively about vintage clothing, it's about all things vintage including arts, lifestyle, events etc. Interesting stories, I really enjoyed this first issue and I look forward to more!

The Zelda Magazine is currently being printed twice a year in Fall/Winter and Spring/Summer issues, and in 2500  copy runs. It's being distributed a vintage events and select bookstores.

Visit their webpage to order, and join their Facebook page -

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